As the Christmas season approaches, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas shopping. While the festive season is about spending time with loved ones, it’s also an important time for both brands and consumers.
However, with the cost of living crisis looming, some may wonder if Christmas will be more of a burden than a joyous occasion for Brits.
Despite economic challenges, a report by Clear Channel UK has found that many Brits are planning to spend a similar amount on Christmas gifts as they did last year. The report also delves into the recipients and the most popular gifts for the season.
Christmas Spending Trends
The findings of the report show that:
- 8% plan to spend £0 (same as last year)
- 11% plan to spend £1-50 (same as last year)
- 17% plan to spend £51-£100 (1% more than last year)
- 23% plan to spend £101-£200 (2% more than last year)
- 22% plan to spend £201-£400 (same as last year)
- 13% plan to spend £401-£1000 (3% less than last year)
- 6% plan to spend £1000+ (same as last year)
Despite economic challenges, it’s surprising to see that many are still willing to spend on Christmas gifts this year.
Recipients of Christmas Gifts
According to the report, the top recipients of Christmas gifts are partners (63%), followed by other family members (56%) and siblings (55%). Parents and friends are also popular recipients, with grandparents and work colleagues ranking lower on the list.
Popular Christmas Gifts
The report also identifies the most popular Christmas gifts, with clothing, toys, food and drink, gift vouchers/cards, books, jewellery/watches, and technology topping the list. It’s worth noting that clothing remains a popular choice for both men and women.
Despite economic challenges, Brits are not allowing the cost of living crisis to faze their holiday season. It seems they are still finding ways to celebrate and spread festive cheer. After all, if they can still afford Christmas gifts, then perhaps the festive spirit remains strong.