The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Corporate Workforce
The traditional corporate infrastructure has remained largely unchanged for decades, but the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to bring about unprecedented organizational change. It is estimated that AI will displace 800 million jobs across sectors in the next seven years while creating new positions essential for managing the new technology.
Understanding the Impact of AI on Businesses
To stay ahead of the competition, it is crucial for organizations of all sizes to prepare for the impact of AI on their sector. While each industry will have specific reasons to deploy AI, there will be a range of new roles created that will be applicable across the board.
Key Roles Necessary for AI-Driven Businesses
Technical Roles
Businesses will need individuals with technical backgrounds to manage their AI infrastructure. New roles such as AI Integration Specialist, AI Systems Auditor, Automation Engineers, AI Solutions Architects, and Data Flow Managers will become essential for businesses to implement and manage AI technology.
Non-Technical Roles
In addition to technical roles, businesses will require administrative roles with some technical understanding. Positions such as AI Ethics Officer and AI Trainers will be vital to ensure compliance with ethical and societal norms and identify and manage information used within the AI system.
Approaching the Move into the AI Era
Businesses will face a choice between upskilling their current workforce and hiring new talent to successfully integrate AI. Most businesses will likely use a combination of the two approaches to foster loyalty and diversity in the talent pool.
Concluding Thoughts
As the fear of AI taking over jobs continues to prevail, understanding how AI and other technologies will change the workplace is imperative for businesses and the wider workforce. Economic Professor Richard Baldwin’s quote: “AI won’t take your job, but someone using it will,” truly highlights the real threat that workers, including senior management, will face.
Jonas Angleflod, CEO of Theories Group, invests in new, upcoming companies in the tech and online affiliate marketing arena to support its ecosystem of partners and platforms, emphasizes the importance of understanding the intersection of technology and business.